Saturday, February 8, 2014


By Mark Cater Author/Entrepreneur

In my research to evade scammers and locate a viable means to promote online business I came across a site called Age of Conan. Now Conan is a fantastical Barbarian, a character created by writer Robert E. Howard in 1932 via a series of fantasy stories published in Weird Tales (Pulp) magazine. Not to mention Red Sonja.

Robert E. Howard's original Red Sonya (spelled with a "y") exists in Dark, Dark times long forgotten, to the Hyborian Age. These two fictional sword and sorcery characters spawned many other characters such as Soloman Kane (also by Robert E. Howard) and Thongor of the lost land of Lumeria created by Lin Carter, all of which were adapted to popular movies and comic books distributed by Marvel and later Dynamite and Dark Horse comics.

But it is not merely the characters or the MMO game which struck my attention to write this particular online post; it was the Hyborian Age with respect to our own age which we live in now.

Hyborian Age

This age is a work Slavery age where products are produced, bought and sold. Pre-requiring low pay and recurring loops of production to spoon feed masses of people who want these products. Many very good products and others downright wrong and evil.

To say the least some of these products are based on needs; for which one should not have to fork over paper and metal to acquire. These include 3 necessities which no-one should have to pay for...ever.

Yet it these are very common commodities which sicken the the thought to which the duped always respond with "that`s just the way it is" or "that`s life", when in reality they see it as part of life, when the reality is they have been suckered into the whirlpool of deceptive practices that began, a long, long time ago, and not in a galaxy far, far away; right here, right now.

Basic necessities:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Housing
  • According to supposed alien/new-ager Alex Collier, the Andromedans (whom he apparently had contact with-with no evidence -as in the Billy Meier case) informed him that mankind has a window of opportunity to change everything; that we are creating our future.

    Apparently the Andromedans and the rest of life out there (which Collier indicates is on different densities (and that the Andromedans exist in a different dimension - so they would not be found if we went to Andromeda)) are "concerned" with what is going on here; that life throughout the galaxy does not do what we are doing presently for greed, money, power etc.

    In retrospect, that is exactly what is happening and changing it is priority or that we are not taking responsibility for it.

    (BTW in the 1994 Interview, originally uploaded to google videos (defunct) by ufohypotheses, he predicts 9/11 in the sixth video.

    I suspect collier is in contact to demons and not aliens as he claims, however aside from his claims he does have very poinent arguments during the interview apart from new-age crap which I vehemently reject as false beliefs.

    By slavitic, it is meant slavery or work slavery. You should recall that the majority of this began way back when when trade was nothing more than the exchange of one thing for something of value into another, then math, then value (values are based on amounts, counting via numbers (probability)) then paper and precious metals and then banks and then the bullshit hit the dust. Paper is nothing more than a value placed in something through a system of beliefs, these beliefs are based on mathematics.

    Thus we reside in a value-based system or value-based economic system regulated by people and nothing more or less.

    Now I could go into the conspiracy end of this, and go about making accusations at banks, politicians, kings and queens, making tons of videos and blogs - but much of what we know now originated with European values.

    To which you should comprehend that many savages in the US and abroad are completely devoid of as their christian behaviors have taken on thug life and debasement in speech, dress code and manneristic-behaviorisms, of which has nothing to do with the core values of Christianity, and of which scripture warns about that evil people will rise up.

    But back to our world; we see that work (the central cause of human suffering) is the debasement of humanity to survive and pay for a life or lifestyle, to which other human beings work to topple those who are at the top of the game.

    This "game" so to speak is akin to highlander, where one gets the power by lopping off the head of an enemy, pulling at the strings of anything which might seem contrary to their good nature. I digress; forthwith we live in a type of parallel world which should not exist. A work slave age akin to the Hyborian age of Conan the Barbarian.

    As such labor is forced upon the average person at a certain age, and while there is nothing wrong with work, it is forced upon the individual for minuscule pay; to wit minimum wage at $10.00hr to start, at the time of this writing.

    By forced it is meant that IF you don`t work, you end up homeless or street ridden or impoverished, which is due in the main to corporations, which is regulated by government, and therefore the corporations and government are responsible for poverty.

    Just look at any paperwork you must fill out to get the proper licenses, to run an online business or opportunity or start your own business, then have to fork over so much in fees and taxes, why you cannot even be born or die without the government issuing a certificate in either case. Nor be identified with an ID, SS card or driver`s license and of course marriage and divorce papers,child support and alimony lies.

    All of which are geared towards also profiting through the judicial system; seems like a revolving door doesn`t it?

    Gosh, who would have guessed?

    Each individual or couple is, put into a situation where they must get -so-called education to secure a proper work related duty which pays better than the average person who has no formal training and must work in a warehouse or do menial labor at bare minimum. But don`t fool yourself, people are making six figures on the internet and opportunities abound.

    But back to parallel earth prime, what we have here is, according to neo-tech a forced backed ego-justice and gun-wielding political system based on values. Depressing isn`t it? Sickening is another term. Ask yourself- shouldn`t food,clothing and housing be free? Was it not free, before all these products came headlong into the face of buyers, deceived by sellers?

    Do you not see -day-to-day TV commercials inundate you with the majority of unnecessary products to fill a need, which you don`t have? Why do you think you see so many medical ads during the 5pm fake news broadcasts? 95% of which aliments are falsified by the medical industry to get you to believe you need their particular pharmaceutical to make you feel better. When in reality, according to author Napoleon Hill, you should throw out all pill bottles, stop pandering to imaginary illnesses and build your own life to order?

    Is it not just like the main objective in the game of Texas Hold`em? I get your stack or you get mine.

    Are you beginning to get the big picture here? It`s not about being a crybaby and organizing some protests as these do never fulfill the real necessity and do never work, but a grassroots revolution, similar to The Romanian Revolution or did you not know that economist Dan Caprariu-Schlachter was deported from his own country and now resides in the US.

    And like all economists they know that we have one gigantic mathematical mess on our hands concerning a value based economy which enslaves millions of people every day to a forced-backed ego justice system to produce products, many of which are harmful and generate war.

    War of course is profitable, and as such the militant police who call themselves authorities in the name of government allegiance and man-made laws which are currently heading down immoral paths -disregard also christian values in favor of monopolization. Would the police do their job-(s) if they did not receive compensation for what they do?

    Of course not! Would you?

    By and by work is forced upon people for minuscule pay generation to generation and yet no option exists to break free from the value-based system other than losing all material possessions and becoming impoverished or being disabled and getting a supplement, which of course pays even less and keeps them in a consistent loop of poverty under minimum wage.

    This is really disgusting. Especially in the face of losing such benefits if the so-called government discovers you are working for a specific time -they`ll cut you off and there goes you comic collection and you out the door!

    Literally, suggesting that they don`t actually give crap.

    That`s the sad part of SSA and government and it`s no joke.

    If you were to choose between the two, there really isn`t that much difference except for a hernia on the other.

    So, what about changing it?

    Changing it all - where auto-bots are set up similar to avatars, where the work is manually accomplished without the necessity for human intervention? And therewith freeing everyone from repetitious manual labor?

    God knows we have the technology to do it.

    And what about highly advanced technologies which are under the guise of the secondary shadow government unveiled by people like Edward Snowden?

    Wouldn`t these work to proliferate and liberate this world to a higher standard, such as never been seen as to that akin to star trek? Of course these too are theories perpetuated by people in the scientific community and pseudo-science community as functional. The most promising are astute of the likes ZPE and T.T. Brown Electro-Gravity.

    These too are technologies we already have and are still being advanced by men and women in secret. This is fact and has been leaked. For instance the TR-3B which was filmed in Paris, using a triangle form and bubble tech to warp.

    Again would not these technologies free mankind? Nope. You can bet on that, it would also be bought and sold by men and women who have no concern for any age of star trek -such an age you will never see. But the tech is there. As Stan Deyo put it, in the UFO documentary film produced in 1977 UFO`s are Here, as the ending piece to the film Deyo, who at that time was annexed to Australia, speaks of how civilization would collapse if the tech was freely available because it would create an upheaval of the likes never seen.

    This Interview is begins at 59:17.

    You may also watch his video explaining this usual tech on youtube (1:17:29 minutes)at : [Stan Deyo- Anti-Gravity Technology] uploaded by Movera2k

    This one reason why, certain theoretical scientists and pseudo-scientists should shut up their mouths trying to promote their discoveries for the world,and go into another room and do their research in a locked room without anyone knowing about it until the proper time.


    Because to do so is being stupid -why they`ll take it and use it for their own ends and profit off it-and thus nothing would change.

    Revealing such tech would ultimately stimulate profitability, and cloning by greedy corporations and wicked politicians to give the go-ahead and regulate it.

    It would destroy and then...?

    Stan`s Information heads the list as the most impressive information on Electro-Gravity after sifting through much information and scammers.

    But if we could imagine a would where teleportation and FTL were common everyday occurrences (like in fiction) would there be a militant rising to conquer space even more-so than on Star Trek (a navy vessel in space). The answer here is yes, and it is my suspicion that military is already underway with such activities. It has also been reported that an orbiting satellite is near Jupiter that regulates incoming alien activity to Earth.

    And this is evidenced by treaties from the UN, such as the 1969 space treaty, which formed a loophole allowing an insightful Dennis Hope to begin selling real estate on the moon and various planets within our solar system in 1980.

    This started a space real estate frenzy on Earth for outer space real estate land purchases, which caught the attention of various celebrities (myself included)and others to purchase real estate on the Moon,Venus and Mars. I lost mine.

    Subsequently, we live in a Forced-Backed Ego-Justice Value-Based System, (not all) where if you don`t have value your deemed as nothing. Initially this goes against the grain of what scripture says and indicates, suggesting it is not from God.

    Spiritually, this needs to change, it is bound to failure as the systemics of Money will fail and are failing presently.

    Nor will a wold-wide riot nor war headed by leaderless arrogant and ignorant anonymous groups, Liberals, ignorant youth or peace efforts change any of this work slavery.

    Should various people die then?

    While the majority of whack-jobs would say yes, and the majority of new-age loonies say no, we cannot pass such judgements on others -one must allow God to do the final Judgement.

    We cannot change others, even though they have stolen sacred events such as the birth of Christ and used it to meet their corporate agendas, yes corporations and government are responsible for causing poverty, do you think the almighty is not aware of this?

    And what about the real aliens who have and are still making visitations to Earth? Are they working to change things or do they pose as demons like they do as Ghosts? (Scripture says that there are only three places men and women go after death).

    If we take a logical approach to this, and assume it is, and that the peaceful ones are, then we have yet to fully see why except in the fact that this change must come on an individual basis absent of new-age ties.

    Work and a value-based system must come under condemnation, for it offers no alternatives for those who would like to enjoy free-time, and willingly produce true value without greed. It offers no way-out of work absent of acquiring more capitol.

    We have technology which is supposed to change the world, and people`s lives, but seems regulated, hidden and or regulated and suppressed. It`s almost as if watching the restaurant scene from Mission Impossible.

    If therefore (and we do) live in a value-based system, one which seems inevitable, why not use credits to replace them? Credits which might work between worlds,moons and other things. The problem with this goes back to the UN space Treaty of 1969, something which should be lifted.

    What then remains?

    The solution would be automation. Now by automation it is not meant as mechanization - this automation formulates everything we see from space-time automation to fictitious examples such as the beaming process on star trek. I know I mention the show a bit, but it is within fair use. I refer to this automation as Aleodeology (Aleo-de-ology) or Aleodelogical transport.

    I have researched this arena for a number of years, and produced a minor book on it which can be found on Amazon called Primer to Aleodeology.

    While the book itself is incomplete, I did run across some very interesting hints to how it could come about, similar to that beaming process mentioned earlier. If such tech as this could be built upon it most certainly would revolutionize everything from medicine to space, but like any superpower it must be tempered.

    Either this change-over to an automated system, or we remain enslaved to manual labor.


    Copyright© Mark Cater

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